I works with clients to optimise the first 1000 days of life, from preconception to early childhood.
I will help you
Improve fertility and reduce time to conception
Optimise egg quality and sperm health
Regulate menstrual cycles
Identify underlying factors that may be contributing to sub fertility
Apply fertility boosting nutrition tweaks
Identifying any nutritional gaps or deficiencies
Tailor supplements specifically for your requirements
Help you eliminate potential reproductive toxicants from your environment (like plastics and heavy metals)
Thinking of starting to try for a baby or already “trying”?
Research has demonstrated that the diet and lifestyle of the mother and the father during the six months or 180 days before they conceive, can impact their child’s lifelong health. After all, the egg and sperm will provide the genetic material for the developing foetus. How you eat, cook, move, think, sleep, plus what toxins you are exposed to can all affect your epigenetic expression.
Ideally preconception care should be undertaken 3 months prior to starting to “try”. If you’ve already started trying, the good news is that the changes you make to your nutrition and lifestyle over the next 3 months will positively impact the health of your egg and sperm health, which increases your chance of achieving a pregnancy.
Why 3 months? It takes around 100 days to develop an egg follicle and around 60 days for full cycle of “spermiogenesis” or the formation of sperm. In 3 months’ time, you and your partner (or donor) can be completely new people, fertility wise that is! But the more time you can dedicate to preparing for pregnancy, the better.
According to a Harvard University review, there are six dietary tweaks that can improve fertility by up to 67%.

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